cara baru dan mudah download di dropbox

hay guys... kali ini saya akan berbagi tips cara mendownload file yang di hosting di dropbox dengan mudah dan enak gan.. mumpung ada waktu luang buat share.. :D

oke langsung aja gan..
perhatikan disini saya menyediakan sebuah link yang saya miliki

perhatikan angka paling belakang !
lalu angka 0 tersebut diganti dengan angka 1 seperti ini contohnya

lalu jika sudah tekan tombol enter jika menggunakan pc dan klik buka pada keyboard jika menggunakan handphone anda. contohnya seperti ini

oke gan begitu aja cara nya semoga bermanfaat. jangan lupa share ketemen temen kalian ya.. :D


Ntap… mampir mas

Ternyata gampang ya gan, thanks udah share :D

Gan bisa bantu, gimana cara buka apk pc file zip, di android, ane udh cb cara di semua blog, gx bisa juga, udh di extract ke file exe, trus udh coba inno dan dropbox, tp gx kebuka juga gan

Like previously referenced above, you't change over an APK record to IPA for use on iOS, nor would you be able to change over APK to EXE to utilize the Android application in Windows.
In any case, you can regularly an iOS elective that works instead of the Android application that you need to be introduced on your iPhone or iPad. Most engineers have the equivalent application accessible on the two stages (both an APK for Android and an IPA for iOS).

With respect to the APK to EXE converter, simply introduce a Windows APK opener from above and afterward use it to open the Android application on your PC; it doesn't have to exist in the EXE document group for that to work.
